The 2018 Sunburst longlist is up, and I’m on it again–this time for my short story “Yellowcat”, a sort of literary horror story that found a home with Grain Magazine. It’s actually not available to read online: Grain is a print-only magazine, and a lovely one, which you should definitely consider buying. Other people on this year’s longlist include so many wonderful fellow travelers, including Kari Maaren, Rati Mehrotra, Sandra Kasturi, Kate Heartfield, Kate Story, Fonda Lee, Lesley Livingston and Terri Favro: all fantastic writers with whom I’m so grateful to share a community and the occasional drink. It’s been ten years since I began writing (!) and every time something goes well for me, a nice review, an award or nomination, I feel humbled by the quality of the work I see around me, joyful to be considered in the same breath, and delighted by the many organizations and individuals dedicated to raising the profile of the work we do. To all of you who read, review, share, post, and talk about stories: thank you! […]
Still riding that win…
Yes, that’s me, accepting my Sunburst Award from chair Rebecca Simkin (who is wonderful even apart from the fact that she has just handed me a medal and a cheque). I am, once again, so thrilled to be honoured this way. The other works and writers who have been recognized with this award are beyond amazing! Since I believe in celebrating wins when we get’em, I wore my medal all night at the bar. (I may or may not have worn it to bed.) This win is a very happy ending for Spells of Blood and Kin. It’s not totally an ending, of course–it remains in print and on sale in stores–but unless there’s a movie deal or something (hi, producers! You’re all reading this, right?) it will take a back seat to newer works. Some of those newer works will also be written by me (uh, not right away, but watch this space). I won’t be a debut novelist next time around. I’ll be a grizzled veteran (not a metaphor…you should see how much grey hair I have now). I can’t wait. 2017 has treated a lot of us roughly, I have to say, but I’m coming out of […]
2017 Sunburst Awards
I started writing Spells of Blood and Kin ages ago: 2008, the year I attended the Viable Paradise writing workshop. Nine years. Nine years ago, I had just lost my father. I was trying to write something light, something to distract myself from loss and difficulty. I should have known I didn’t work that way, but it took me a while to understand. When I did, the book I ended up writing was pretty different. Today, I won the Sunburst Award for that book. In the jury’s statement, one bit really stood out to me:“Humphrey’s use of a real, contemporary Canadian setting and her refusal to allow her characters any easy victories set this novel apart from a field of strong competitors.” Italics mine. I was going to say easy victories aren’t a thing I understand, but I do understand that this is a matter of perspective and privilege. I also understand that the victories that we treasure are the ones for which we worked, and it’s true that the characters in this book work hard for the comparatively small victories they manage. This felt true to me when I was writing it, and still today.This particular victory, then, feels incredibly satisfying […]
Two years since I saw my book’s face!

A lot has happened since I last posted! Most recently, Spells of Blood and Kin, whose cover reveal was two years ago, has now been in the world for a full year and was recently shortlisted for a Sunburst Award! As a debut novelist who works in the book business, I had two hopes for this book: earn out my advance in the first year (kind of arbitrary, but a generally accepted hallmark of good-enough sales), and get nominated for something. Neither of these things were very much within my control, of course–you write the best book you can, and you promote it as well as you know how, but there’s a huge amount of randomness in the market. I’m lucky to have had a successful tour, some friends in my corner, and some good reviews! It’s pretty great to have checked both boxes! Other cool things happening right now: The Sum of Us is officially out! This anthology focuses on caregivers in a speculative fiction context, with a portion of profits going to the Canadian Mental Health Association. It includes my story “Number One Draft Pick” (why YES, it IS about hockey, funny you should ask). […]
Just in time for Readercon…
Long Hidden continues to garner attention, this time nominated for a World Fantasy Award! This anthology punches way above its weight in so many ways. Every story made me proud to be in that company, and the community of contributors has been such a pleasure to meet. I’m looking forward to seeing some of the #LongHiddenFam at Readercon! What else am I doing at Readercon? Reading: Friday, 7pm, Inspire Room: Outer Alliance ReadingFeaturing: Nicola Griffith, Kelley Eskridge, Sarah Pinsker, Malinda Lo, Claire Humphrey, Brad Parks, Susan Jane Bigelow, CD Covington, and Jill ShultzHosted by Julia Rios I’m planning to read the opening scene of SPELLS OF BLOOD AND KIN. I’m so excited to introduce my book to you all! This will be its first outing! I’ll also go to panels and readings, of course, and hang out in the bar, and in the lobby, and on the party floor. (And in the back yard of the hotel, where there’s an open green space that is perfect for sparring. I don’t really box any more, but I make an exception for Marko Kloos.) […]
Awards Season Roundup
Are you in need of a few reading suggestions to help fill out your short fiction ballot for the Nebulas, Hugos or any other upcoming awards? Then this post is for you! Here are all my eligible stories published in 2014: “The Witch of Tarup”, Long HiddenWhile I am super proud of my story, I have to stress that Long Hidden is jam-packed with others that eclipse mine in so many amazing ways. Each one matters. It would be entirely just and right if Long Hidden were to sweep all the awards for everything. Here is editor Rose Fox’s eligibility post to help you fit lots of Long Hidden onto all of your ballots. “Four Steps to the Perfect Smoky Eye”, Strange Horizons (also available as a podcast)This one got a lot of attention! Niall Harrison rounded up all the reviews on the Strange Horizons blog. “A Brief Light”, Interzone, issue 252About ghosts, suicide, a chilly marriage and an open window. “The End of the World in Five Dates”, Apex MagazineThis issue also included an interview with me in which I talked about cancer, fate, and the dinner date that gave me the idea for this story. “Lilac Season”, Handsome […]
Novel Enduro: Day VIII
79,000 words. Two new scenes left to write, maybe three. Not with a bang, but a whimper (from the author, who’s continually surprised at how fucking emotionally draining it is to end a book!) Horrible things: how hard it is to write romantic scenes without slipping into Hollywood tropes. I haven’t had much practice, I guess… in my previous novel, there wasn’t a central love relationship, just a bit of dating. Beautiful things: getting one of those scenes right, I think! Also, some more bits with magic, always fun. Tonight’s homework: going through a year’s worth of notes from my writing group because I’m almost positive there’s a great suggestion in there about a specific missing scene I should write, and I can’t remember what it is. And being a very orderly person, I’d like to write that missing scene before I write the two final scenes, because once those are done I’d like to go celebrate, instead of messing around some more. Also, today’s win: Beyond Binary is nominated for a Lambda Literary Award! […]