Readercon: booked! And the night before I leave, it looks like I’ll be reading right here in Toronto along with the other winners and finalists of the Friends of the Merril Contest.
Before either of those things will be the annual trip to BEA. I attend that show not as a writer, but as a buyer, and my business tends to keep me, well, busy. But even though I don’t usually get to meet other writers or agents or anything, it’s quite a gift to be involved in this business in so many different ways.
Early summer has become the busy season for me–the season where I’ll interact with the most people over the shortest time, and take in the widest variety of new perspectives. I’ll also be doing the Wild Ride again this year. It’s a bit stressful to have a race in the middle of travel season, but then again, I always say that I think with my feet… regular workouts make travel much more comfortable and keep my brain from derailing.
Fortunately for me, I also really like to write in airports.