Today’s word count: 3832. Can I just say how awesome I feel about this?
Total word count: 73,987 of 90,000.
Percent completion: 82%.
Beautiful things: Martin, who is still hot; um, that’s all, the rest was pretty ugly
Horrible things: zombie raccoon! Which explodes! I was so pleased with this I immediately put it on Twitter. So if there’s a rash of exploding zombie raccoons in your slush, you’ll know who to blame.
Favourite sentence: “Gavin’s spirit mantled like a hawk, ready to rend.”
Reason for stopping: eggplant.
Fetishes: wooden ring on index finger: Bellwoods bottlecap necklace.
Sustenance: soy maple lattes, a god-awesome sandwich with tempeh, kimchee and Baconnaise, a pint of Bellwoods’ Roman Candle IPA.
Playlist highlights: Matt Mays, “Take It On Faith”; Cat Power, “Ruin”; Esthero, “Walking On Eggshells”.
Warnings That Must Go On the Tin: Mum, you can’t read this book. Even if I forget and try to give it to you. It has too many zombie things which you would not like, plus bad driving, and ‘fuck’ at least once in every chapter.