In the spirit of public accountability, I’m posting even though this day has NOT gone as well as the others.
Today’s word count: 1263.
Total word count: 75,250 of 90,000.
Percent completion: 83.6%.
Beautiful things: bike couriers, hand-pulled noodles at Pacific Mall.
Horrible things: everyone wants you to talk about things and you just want to whack-a-mole every single thought that surfaces in your brain.
Favourite sentence: “It was the voice he used on both Gavin and Asta, when they were sleepy or sick and had to be coaxed.”
What went wrong with this day: Late start due to unavoidable obligation; rewrote the same scene four or five times before getting it even close; deleted another scene entirely, cancelling out a bunch of word count.
Interesting note: judging by where I am right now, this novel isn’t actually going to hit 90k. I think I’m closer to the end of the action than that. Which is fine. I’ll just throw in some more sex 😉
One not-quite-as-productive day after four kickassular days is a pretty admirable ratio, I think. And anything that leads to more sex scenes can't be bad! : )
It's either that or more scenes of Gavin complaining, pining, and forgetting to feed himself, and I think there are plenty of those already.
Actually, in seriousness, more magical sparring! That is always fun.
NO WAIT. More zombie animals!
More sex, more magical sparring AND more zombie animals! In the same scene, if possible!