I’m not doing anything official at this con–I plan to attend panels, hang out with friends old and new, and basically go where my whimsy takes me.
That said, there are a couple of things I will absolutely not miss, so if you’re looking to meet up with me, here’s where I will be:
- Friday, 11 a.m.: York B&C Room, panel on Defining Urban Fantasy. This panel features Tim Powers, among others. And maybe it will help me define what the hell I write.
- Friday, 1 p.m.: Vaughan Room, panel on Gothic Fantasy Noir.
- Saturday, 11 a.m.: York B&C Room, panel on The Road to Urban Fantasy. (Are you sensing a theme yet?)
- Saturday Night: CZP Fall Launch Party.
I’ve had a couple of months of feeling off my game where writing is concerned: I’ve sent out some stuff that probably wasn’t up to my usual standard, and therefore banked a high number of rejections; I haven’t managed to put in my desired word counts; and I have a backlog of stuff that needs to be re-drafted before it goes out. I am reminded that this work is not easy work, and that I’m trying to do it on top of a very full-time job, and I do not always succeed in balancing my priorities.
So: time to refocus, recommit, get back on the horse and all those things. I’m putting on my party boots and going to join my tribe.