It’s not as sweaty as Real Boot Camp. Also, no tear gas, which makes it a hell of a lot less boot-campy. (Yes, that is the voice of experience speaking.) However, it is a relatively short time period to get myself into fighting form, and therefore it merits the comparison. I’m always telling myself that I think with my feet (or with my fists, depending on how angry I am…) and so at some point in winter, I decided I’d kick off the summer season with two charity races: a 5k running relay and a 25k mountainbike race. Because of the wet, snowy spring, training commenced a bit late, and then I had to throw a few business trips into the mix, and so I’m here in mid May, feeling like a bear just rolled out of the cave, lumbering around trying to get my blood flowing. Also, all of my short stories are turning into novels. I just had two really nice rejections in which editors encouraged me to send more stuff, and I have no stuff to send. Fortunately, there’s a cure… it’s not an accident that I’m in two writing groups. The common thread of all of […]