On submissions, some of it. You see, I’ve decided to sell some poems. I wrote them, after all. I’m a writer–a professional writer, even, technically. Ergo the things I write should be good for something other than sitting in files. We’ll see if the poetry markets agree. Also, on productive things such as my bike race, and a fair bit of work-work, and also on less productive but mandatory awesomeness such as Pride. What hasn’t really been happening, though, is Words On Page. I wouldn’t say I’ve ever had that thing called writers’ block, but it does occasionally occur that I just don’t really do it. Or I do some, but not enough, or I do a lot, but nothing good. June was one of those months. July, luckily for me, is proving better so far. Today’s excellent work: hauling “Houdini” back on track, by main force and the application of some Elvis Costello. This story will probably have nothing to do with Houdini by the time it’s done, but it will have to do with a woman I saw weeping on the downtown 6 between Bleecker Street and Astor Place, and with Puss in Boots, and with a pair […]