Long Hidden is an anthology of “speculative fiction from the margins of history”, edited by Rose Fox and Daniel José Older and to be published by Crossed Genres. It’s already funded, but I’m really hoping it will reach its stretch goal to be able to include even more stories.
In the words of the mission statement, this anthology is participating in a tradition of “literary resistance to erasure”. I love this statement, I love the list of authors already lined up, and I love that there are more spots open for submissions from those of us not yet big enough names to have been asked in advance.
Most of all, though, I love seeing the enthusiasm around this project. 680 people, as of this writing, are so into this idea that they’re supporting it sight unseen. That tells me there’s a really enthusiastic market for SF that isn’t just about royalty or spaceship captains.
I’ve always liked to learn history from fiction. Oh, I’m fully aware that fiction can’t always be relied upon for facts–we writers are prone to moving cities, marrying off people who lived decades apart, and other such conveniences in service of a more enjoyable story. But good historical fiction is also deeply true in its depiction of people’s lives. When I read it, I’m not just learning history–I’m learning empathy.
As a reader, I feel like I’m going to benefit from this book in more than the usual way. As a writer, whether my story makes it in or not, I’m thrilled to see such an appetite from other readers. Every backer of this project is urging us all to keep writing our truths, to keep telling the stories no one else can tell.