I have lost my speaking voice, and this may be some of the reason I’ve written so many words this week.
I am endeavouring to bring it back with a finger of Bowmore, since spoons of honey have not worked, and I am out of lemons. (Yum! Scotch for medicinal purposes!)
I continue to be utterly seduced by Bane-Day, leaving poor Compass to swing, for the moment. The task at hand is never the most attractive, for some reason; it’s the sidelines, the long shots, that draw me.
And I engage in every kind of magical thinking. If I listen to this song. If I perform these exercises. If I am a good enough girl. If I am a bad enough woman. If I guess at all of the strictures of the hidden universe, she, and he, and you, will buy my work.
You're a web, a dreamcatcher hanging in the window of a mini-van parked along the water's edge…
Everybody got to be reborn…